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Support our projects
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Your financial contribution will help Everyone At Table with our mission to help build community capacity around food through programs, policy, partnerships, and our food action programs. 


Funds will help further develop capacity for projects such as our website, research, supporting local infrastructure, connecting producers to consumers, and more, and existing projects such as our: 


to donate



Contribute what you can

No amount is too small or too large

**Everyone At The Table is a society but can not issue tax receipts**


E-transfer your membership fee to

In the message section of the e-transfer, please write 

“EAT Donation (your name if happy to share)”



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We wish to acknowledge the 9000+ years of the Lheidli T'enneh Nation's stewardship. The Lheidli T'enneh’ ancestors have cared for this beautiful land that feeds us all, and we will continue to welcome their teachings and ancestral knowledge

as we work towards food security for all people.


Design by: @the_witty_case & @joinfortheplanet

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